Sunday, October 5, 2008


As I write these am still sleepy.Please excuse my random thoughts.

Once in a while life is made of interesting components that teach you new things or put you down for a while before the natural healer(time) come along to carry them away! being a person who loves fun,it comes with its own concerns and consequences. For instance these week had a holiday.

I did an honorable thing to attend the Harambee Stars 7 aside matches.I participated effectively to my satisfaction. That being besides the point,I had fun.Friday night comes along a day later.....I mean my salary not yet there but somehow there are generous Kenyans who are willing to fill you in when your broke.Of course you trade in your company and craziness for some "Alvaro" like bottles.

Same happens for Saturday night;think of the consequences. Am one hell of a sleep deprived man with random thoughts.

...... I need to get organised for a terrible week ahead.