Friday, July 27, 2007

Thank God its Furahiday

There are somedays that tend to be boring and quite out of order and one of the days is monday.But there are days that we always long for,and for me its Friday.Its just a weekend in the making,where you see relaxation and meeting your buddies close to you.Hey can't wait for 12:30 to reach as thats wen my wikend begins.Its looking quite cold thou its normal,being the month of July.Just hoping for a lovely day

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bad day

Well a day starts and you are doing so well butu leta someone you really adore and really love to the core of your heart decides to call it quits on me.It was an emotional experience since these is the first person whom I have really loved with al my body.Its crazy rite now in my head trying to come into terms with such traumarisation.Am trying to be col but then its almost impossible.A'how am al be gud.


Its these cold wednesday;And life looks alittle difficult coz am kinda broke and am really online trying to read and get knowledge on search engines opitimisation.I think if there is any good site to get insight from is be there and alwais there to get the best place to get ideas from people al over the world.I truly love it.